The Men's and Women's Choir
Our Men's and Women's Choir is one of the anchor choirs of the church. It sings a wide variety of music: everything from chant to Bach to Rutter to traditional spirituals to new music written for them. It rehearses Thursdays 7:30-9PM and usually sings twice a month.

Teen Choir
Teen Choir meets every Thursday from 6:00 to 7:00. This choir is comprised of young people who are 13 and older. It is designed to teach musical repertoire that reflects Unitarian Universalist values. The musical pieces are more advanced, including some two- and three-part pieces and some pieces without accompaniment. The need to be sensitive to other members of the group and the value of each individual contribution are important aspects of this ensemble. Tone production, blending, and dynamics are some of the musical teachings of this group. Since the voice is used in a constructive and expressive way, these young singers frequently experience an increased sense of self-esteem. They participate in the Sunday morning worship service on an occasional basis and at other events in the life of the congregation.

Children's Choir
Children’s Choir meets every Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00. The age range for this group is 8 through 12. In this choir one learns songs, hymns, and simple musical pieces that reflect Unitarian Universalist values. The primary function of this group is to experience singing in an ensemble. Some fundamentals of music are taught including tone production, blending, dynamics, and the use of rhythm instruments. Because the voice is used in a constructive and expressive way, one of the side benefits that these young singers frequently experience is an increased sense of self-esteem. They participate in the Sunday morning worship service on an occasional basis.

Special Projects Choir
Special Projects Choir presents three special musical services each year in December, March and June that serve to broaden the scope of repertoire offered. These programs feature longer and more challenging choral works such as: the Faure Requiem, the Poulenc Gloria, the Mozart Vespers. The Special Projects Choir rehearses on the four Thursdays prior to each event. The ability to read music is a prerequisite for this group, as it presents larger and more complex works with a minimum of rehearsal time.

Once & Again Singers
Once & Again Singers meet and sing on an occasional basis a repertory of spiritually based acoustic folk music that speaks to our UU principles. The repertory of the O&AFs includes not only songs of Pete Seeger, Peter, Paul & Mary and Phil Ochs, but also folk songs associated with the sixties, civil rights and the anti-war movement. More recently they have been exploring world music with African rhythms and Latin beats that speak to the universality of our human experience. Music reading skills and some prior choral or folk singing experience are desirable but not required for this group.

Chamber Choir
The Chamber Choir consists of sixteen singers who are chosen by the Minister of Music. They sing a variety of music written for chamber choir that spans the centuries. While they love to sing repertoire from the Renaissance, they also sing much contemporary music. They rehearse two or three times each month and sing at services on an occasional basis.

Bell Choir
The Bell Choir meets every Thursday, from 6:45 to 7:45. It is led by Debbie Handler. While the ability to read music is strongly recommended, it is not a prerequisite. The Bell Choir rings on an occasional basis during one of the services.
You are welcome to be in touch with Debbie Handler or Rev. Ed Thompson if you have questions.