Worship Associates

The mission of the Worship Associates is to contribute to the worship life of the church. We accomplish this by providing support and assistance to our minister(s); serving as a liaison for the congregation about worship needs; developing and presenting summer worship services; and helping the ministers in introducing new spiritual practices and rituals.

The group meets monthly for training, to review the calendar of services, to share ideas, and to plan ways to enhance the

worship services for the congregation. By sharing ideas and feed-back, we leverage our individual talents and perspectives, which leads to a richer worship program.

The duties of the Worship Associates are elastic. We assist the Senior Minister in preparing and delivering the weekly worship services, as well as hosting and assisting visiting ministers. This preparation starts weeks before a given Sunday and is an interactive process. On a particular Sunday, participation might consist of simply providing a reading, or complementing the sermon of a visiting guest minister by delivering the parts of the service that are unique to this congregation’s worship identity. The Worship Associates also plan, prepare and deliver entire services, mostly during the summer months when the Senior Minister is on study leave.

Cheryl Dixon Paul serves as the head of the Worship Associates for the 2020-2021 season. She is joined by Dayle Brownstein, Linda Hudson, Gian Morresi, Joanne Orenstein and Connie Rockman.  The Worship Associates can be reached by clicking HERE.

CLICK HERE for the Worship Associates charter.