HS Youth Group: 8-12th Grades


Coming Together For Connection and Learning

At this time of pandemic, we are holding our youth programming on ZOOM each Sunday, 11 AM -1:30 PM. Each is supervised by two adults.
Contact Nate Pawelek for ZOOM links. All are welcome.

Recently we find that our youth are experiencing ZOOM fatigue between remote learning at school and elsewhere. So we have been meeting face to face (with protective masks) for outdoor, interactive activities: a series of “Kick Racism’s A**” kickball games, sign-holding to register voters, a bonfire, and hiking. Future outings include ice skating, bowling, and more. The objective is to make sure that our youth do not feel isolated during a time when developing valuable social and interactive skills is critical for nurturing healthy identities.

At each of these times, we experience and practice the core principles and beliefs of UUs and our promises to one another.