Welcome! A Quick Introduction

Welcome! We are so glad you're here, wanting to learn more about us.

We are a Unitarian Universalist community (www.uua.org) in Westport, CT that serves Fairfield County and beyond. We come together in an award-winning modern building with glass walls and a swooping roofline, set off from the road in a lush setting that celebrates our natural world.

Unitarian Universalism is a living tradition that draws upon the wisdom of the world’s religions. Our shared values are not based on a proscribed doctrine and our services do not rely on specific sacraments and rituals. Rather, we come together and explore and discuss the human condition, our world, our spirituality, and how best to live our lives for ourselves and for others. We sing, we pray, we meditate, we listen, we reflect, we share, and we act; and in so doing we hope, we dream, we laugh, we grieve, we learn, we love, we have fun and we are inspired.


If you asked one of our children what kind of people Unitarian Universalists are, she might tell you that we are people with an “open mind, helping hands, and loving heart.” An adult might tell you that we affirm “freedom, reason and tolerance.” Unitarian-Universalists are known for their embracing of both rational science and spiritual religion, of the known and unknown, of the seen and unseen, of the proven and unproven.

We are a diverse community of individuals and families, from a variety of personal and faith backgrounds. We are a Welcoming Community, committed to being inclusive and expressive of the concerns of the LGBTQ community and of all races and heritages, at every level of congregational life. Together we affirm those values we hold in common, explore those mysteries we cannot prove, live with our questions, and share each other’s journeys.