CURRENTS – our quarterly newsletter

Welcome to our Quarterly Journal “Currents”. In deciding on this name we wanted to convey an image of movement and blending the many small internal streams that make up our beloved congregation. Within these pages you will find news, reflections, creative writing and invitations to swim out into the strong current that is our church. Unlike our weekly newsletter “eSoundings” which keeps us up to date on what is about to happen in our church, Currents takes us deeper into what being in our community means.

  • Here is the latest issue of CURRENTS - Sprint 2019

  • Contact Carol Porter

  • Past issues of CURRENTS

    • CURRENTS - Winter 2019

    If you would like to receive a complimentary three-month subscription to the Quarterly Journal, CURRENTS, you may sign up at the "greeters table" in the foyer.

    Copies of CURRENTS are regularly available in the foyer as well.