Make A Pledge!

roofline canvass15

Your Church final

It is once again time for us to take
responsibility for the care and
maintenance of our community
and our facility. The Year Round
Stewardship committee has put
together the following thoughts
and facts that can help you to
make your pledge decision.
Please understand that the Fair
Share commitment is aspirational
while the Blended Average cost
figure is informational. For those
who are unable to afford these
pledge levels please consider
stretching your personal
commitment but know that at
whatever pledge amount you can
afford you are a welcome and
valued member of our community.
For those who can afford to do
more your help is gratefully
accepted and sincerely


We all derive so much from this
wonderful institution: spiritual
solace, friendship, a feeling of belonging, ritual, education not to
mention pot luck dinners.


Why do we pledge? For ….

Wonderful Worship Services that lift our souls.  Compassionate Ministry to turn to as we face life’s joys and sorrows, a beautiful building that merges Nature with Spirituality, inspiring Music which comforts, entertains and motivates us, good Fellowship with friends who share our values, a Religious Education program which gives our children Spiritual  Values for the rest of their lives. the chance to do so much good through Advocating Gun Control, the Beardsley School Project, Environmental Action, KIVA Microfinance, Mercy Learning Center, Racial Justice Committee, Rainbow Task Force, Supporting the work of the UU Untied Nations Office and on and on. — Let’s think of these things as we think of how much to give.  

What is our responsibility?  We know…..

  • The budget we democratically approve at our Annual Meeting each year is almost entirely dependent on us, the congregation, for funding
  • Running our ministries and programs have fixed costs that are laid out in the operating budget and if not met require severe measures like the possibility of staff lay-offs
  • The folks sitting next to/behind/in front of us in the sanctuary count on us to shoulder our share of the financial responsibility, just as we count on them
  • We should help our new minister bring their ministry here on a strong financial footing
  • We should express our gratitude for The Unitarian Church in Westport and all it means to us by digging deep and, yes, giving sacrificially

And there is no one but us….

  What does it cost?

 The Blended Average: $2,800

This is the average household pledge
needed to meet the Annual Operating

Deciding your fair share requires deep thought about the role of the church (congregation) in your life and your family’s, your financial resources, your commitment to the congregation’s health and your concern and support for the future of Unitarian Universalism here and in the wider community. The chart below is a tool you can use to decide what a serious and equitable membership pledge might be for you and your family.



Cost per Adult HH  $2,300 
Cost per Child in RE $790 
Cost for Music per HH $730 
Cost of Ministry per HH  $1,100
Cost per Family of 4 $3,600
Cost Social Justice/HH $200
Total Needed From Pledges
(Not Including Fund Raisers or Bequests): 



Adjusted Annual
HH Income
Fair Share
Less than $50,000 3% ($750)
$50,000-$74,999 4% ($2,000-3,000)
$75,000 – $99,999 4.5% ($3,375-4,500)
$100,000-$199,999 5% ($5,000-10,000)
$200,000 & Over 5.5% ($15,000 +)
Pledge cards will be available at the church every Sunday in March and at the Pot-Luck Dinners scheduled for Saturday March 21st and Sunday March 29th.  Or contact any member of your Year Round Stewardship Committee or the chair emailButton Deborah Quinn.