Director of Social Justice
and Membership
About David Vita, Director of Social Justice & Membership
Need David Vita Bio
The Unitarian Church in Westport serves as a beacon of justice in and beyond our community. Spurred on by our mission, which asks us, in part, to "ACT in the service of peace and justice," we are always eager to serve and support important causes in our world today that need our attention, resources, and time.
Our volunteers are many, across multiple generations and demographics. We are advocates, educators, organizers, servers, supporters, and witnesses for social justice causes, of which, sadly, there are too many in our world these days. Causes we support are local, national and many in between: from working through issues of food insecurity, domestic violence, elementary school education in resource-strapped inner cities, immigration and refugee support to the national issues of racial injustice, women's rights, and gender inequity - to name a few.
We are always eager for volunteers to help us organize, lead, and participate in all our endeavors. Please contact Our Director of Social Justice to find out how to get involved.