Unitarian-Universalists have always taken stewardship of our world seriously, driven in part by our our 7th Principle: “to Honor the Interdependent Web of All Existence.” In 2009, after 4 years of work, we acquired Green Sanctuary status from the UUA.
Some of our environmental successes include: establishment of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), a yearly Earth Day Service, signing up 105 families within the congregation for “clean energy”, an Inter-Religious Earth Day, active involvement in environmental justice legislation in Hartford and banning the use of plastic bags in Westport, and eliminating the use of paper and plastic dishes, cups, glasses, cutlery from our kitchen.

The committee has also organized events involving expert speakers, film showings, “healthy food” potluck dinners at the church, and environmental programming for our children in Religious Education.
We work with GVI (Green Village Initiative), the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network (Hartford), the Environmental Justice Coalition (Bridgeport), and other local and state-wide organizations.
Contact: Qnivq Ivgn or call Cubar: (203) 227-7205 rkg. 14